Looks as you got some good karma going on!

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Only $4? And in great shape, too! I spent the afternoon at the a Goodwill bins outlet where you pay $1.94 per pound of stuff. Didn't find actypewriter, but I'd love to own one that is easy to maintain!

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To date this is the best deal I've ever scored on a typewriter. These Olympias are very well made.

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

Interesting. Either it's just a coincidence, or you're living in a quite low density suburbia, because urban rats typically live in matriarchal clans, not nuclear families.

Nice typeface, by the way.

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And yeah, I really like the typeface on the Olympia.

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I figure you know a lot more about rats than I do. The rail tracks are a block away and Superior is a port with big grain elevators. Most of the rats hang out there.

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

Young rats in search of new homes can travel far but once they’ve settled down, their territories are quite small.

If there are 100+ yards to the next bird feeder / trash bin / other good food source, it’s indeed possible those two were Adam and Eve expelled from Elevator Eden. The bad news is the story may repeat multiple times.

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

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Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

What a score!

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Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

What a find! Boo to the rats.

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Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

What a beauty.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

Today was the day of our annual neighbourhood-wide garage sale. Not having enough to set up a table, I gave a stone fish planter to a neighbor to sell as desired. Came home with a bike basket for a friend, a tiny handmade ceramic sushi dish, a pair of sunglasses, 2 choc chip cookies, and a small bolster - total cost $11.25. The bolster was free, as was the margarita consumed en route.

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Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

Great find!

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Jun 16Liked by Kent Peterson

I too like the typeface! I didn’t know any typewriters had sans-serif typefaces.

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

Wow! Nice find🧙🏻‍♂️

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

I’m envious of your typewriter find! My Olympia is approximately 20 years older, but it’s still going strong; they are well-built machines. I like the weird 70s typeface on yours, but I keep hoping I’ll find one in cursive.

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

What a great find! I love the type!

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I don't know what typewriter my mother owned when I was growing up but when I saw the picture of the Olympia, it was very familiar. Not exact: her typewriter had some sort of computational word processing ability that I never learned to work. But anyway I don't often see typewriters like it.

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NPR: speaking of rats. These guys are being scent trained: sorry, I don’t have a Link


Dear rat, did you ever know that you're my hero?

JUNE 15, 20248:29 AM ET


Tommy Trenchard

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Jun 15Liked by Kent Peterson

I would not be surprised if mom and pop rat found their way back. Those critters are smart. I caught and released one once and he was back in a week.

Congrats on the typewriter find. The 70s font is great!

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