Nice piece. We feel we have enough, home paid for, no debts, our health and we can afford to feed ourselves and mostly do what we want. It is a nice place to be and we are very grateful.

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Excellent piece Kent. Sounds like you and I are kindred spirits.

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Excellent Kent. One of my goals in life is to get to the point where I know that “I’ve got enough”.

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That's a good one. Sometimes I need to remind myself.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Kent Peterson

Thanks for reminding us, Kent, of the importance of that perspective. That story about Vonnegut and Heller is so insightful. May we all learn to discern that "we've got enough."

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Kent. I like this very much, I agree! In many respects, wealth is based on what you already have, and how content you are with it. Not settling, but truly grateful for what you have. When there are people with much less and they don’t complain, and as you’ve noted, people with much more and still find a way to be unhappy. Awesome job!

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Amen kent!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Kent Peterson

Thanks for sharing! So easy to get caught up in the rat race. He who has the most toys is NOT the winner.

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Great post. I also feel I have enough and it is a true blessing. Catch 22 is my favourite book and so I love to hear that was Joseph Heller's attitude too.

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You can’t judge your worth by your bank account but rather an accounting of yourself.

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Yet there they were at his party. To whom much is given much is expected. Sheep or Sheppard? Do we leave any behind for the wolves? To me these are separate arguments.

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