I like the goldfinch. The contrast in colors makes your stamp stand out!

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Love the Raven! My German Shepherd's name is Raven.

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Great stamps and really good photos. Get yourself some lino, keep your carving tools sharp and you'll never go back to the pink pads.

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May 24Liked by Kent Peterson

That goldfinch stamp is a winner!

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I like how you capture moments of Whimsy and serendipity. And somehow they work so well coming from a typewriter.

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May 24Liked by Kent Peterson

We’ll be needing a new water heater so must be rational..

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Like the yellow one, bird and stamp.

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One time a friend pitched X-Files to me, "Fox Mulder loves sunflower seeds, just like you!" Gee thanks, not sure that's the character trait I'm really looking to be mirrored on the TV.

That said a lot of people compare me to another fringe alien-hunting obsessive with unruly hair:

Dib from Invader Zim. And thus, a long held nickname.

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Beautiful Birds

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I like the raven, and the goldfinch, and the fixing a flat. Plus the X-files reference in the midst of everything haha.

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May 24Liked by Kent Peterson

Stand by..

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May 24Liked by Kent Peterson

Uh oh. I’m starting a new list of stamps I think I may need to have….

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Excellent. Happy repeat customers make me (and my local coffee shop) very happy.

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