It's one thing to know what will be your epitaph. Quite something else to know you'll be a video game's epitaph.

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

I must say I do not feel a huge urge to take part in computer games. I guess I left it at Pac Man which I quite liked.

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

I can’t stop reading. Considering I’m technically illiterate it has to be your storytelling. This is great.

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I appreciate these sorts of computing stories.

Did you read (or live) Fred Moody's book about Microsoft? https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/fred-moody/i-sing-the-body-electronic/

I thought it's portrait of a development process which felt like it was constantly going off the rails (but nevertheless succeeded) was quite believable.

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I kind of lived it in the late 1990s/early 2000s. More details in future typed pages.

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Some animated television program producers would take issue with the idea of not having deep plots or high artistic standards. Many now do, but it was the truth that a lot of them then didn't.

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

I would say that it is not necessary - these are games after all - simple fun, leave the torture of complex plotting and finely tuned characterisation to the purveyors of literature. I am on the fence regarding plotting and the necessity or otherwise of it 'making sense'.

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Jun 9Liked by Kent Peterson

I know someone who was acquired from activision with mech warrior left msft pre xbox because “they weren’t doing anything cool anymore” and ended up contracting there forever.

It was fun learning about testing for games. Shadows, a giant chicken at one point… 🤣🐣

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😂 brilliant last line. A lovely way to do credits but also probably how you felt! Great stuff.

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

Thank you for being one of those guys who made the games I was left to rent at the video store on Friday night after everything else had already been taken. I remember those more than than the good ones.

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

"The image on the screen is painted by an electron gun, that excites the Phosphor on the screen"...Yeah, I bet it does!

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

You know, some say poetry is only possible due to limits and constraints.

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Thanks for clearly explaining what evaded me for all these years!

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Jun 10Liked by Kent Peterson

When you said stupid game, you weren't kidding!

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deletedJun 10Liked by Kent Peterson
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Oh, we would have killed for a c compiler for SNES. Nope, straight 65816 assembler. We had and used higher level languages like C on the PC and Mac side of things, but on the carridge game side we had to start at dam near the bare metal and build our way up.

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