Sep 18Liked by Kent Peterson

Each machine has its feel. They may have their story as well. Do you think about that? That past can be fascinating, even to think of it can be a good fun!

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

It would be a great Twilight Zone story! A collector (“Kent” of course) brings home a typewriter and when he attempts a newsletter, instead of his insights into cycling and nature, out comes

A Plea for help

A ransom note

A break up letter to a soldier

My aunts recipe for bean soup

A Christmas List

Add your own!

(Sorry- couldn’t help this!)

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

Oh wow! This is brilliant. Such a tiny prompt gave so many fantastic ideas and each of these can be fun stories to weave.

Take a bow @Patris !

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

You prompted it! And Kent’s great hobby!

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

You didn't buy another typewriter today, but also didn't get rid of one either! I like how the shop laid out the typewriters with office-y books in between!

Always regret giving away my grandfather's old Royal, heavy as a car, lol. Was back at a time when its keys began sticking and it wasn't clear that anyone would be making ribbons any longer, etc.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

They are all so pretty. This post made me think of my favourite (or one of my favourites) story thread that was shared on Twitter almost 8 years ago now (when people still produced magical posts on there) - the thread is by Marcin Wichary who was at the time researching the book he would later write and publish about keyboards called "Shift Happens" (such a great title!) He's looking for a Dalí museum in Figueres, Spain, when he stumbles upon a sign pointing to "Museu de la Tècnica." Turns out to be a Typewriter museum. You can read it here (I hope if the link works) because it really is a magical thread: https://x.com/mwichary/status/791709895083102209 and there's PHOTOGRAPHS!

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An amazing variety of typewriters there is. If I remember correctly, my first typewriter given to me by my parents for college was a Smith Corona portable. Then we had a Smith Corona electric typewriter. Then I bought, I think, a brother electric typewriter. Gave it to my granddaughter. I always admired the IBM Selectric typewriters. Do you have an IBM Selectric typewriter?

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I stay away from electric typewriters. My collection is all manual portables, although my wife Christine has an electric Smith-Corona.

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

The 5TE, perhaps?

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Haven't used a manual typewriter in years but I have decided keyboards are like typewriters, and the one I have now I am not carried away with. The one I used for years finally ran out of gas with sticking keys and other problems, so I just went and bought a new one. I truly believe you get what you pay for, but it is hard to try out a new one, so like I said, I just bought a cheap one.

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Getting the right price puts the challenge in collecting!

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Memories … what a collection. For some of us, these machines have spread across our lives and recall very special moments.

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I learned how to type on a manuel back in the early seventies. I loved the sound of the different rhythms of all the typewriters in typing class! Lots of good memories of that class!

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Sep 19Liked by Kent Peterson

I think of paring my collection down all the time. Then, oops! Another one needs a home 🙃

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This is the better link to the Twitter story I mention in my other comment because Marcin forgot how to thread until he starts here: https://x.com/mwichary/status/791711124425146368 and just keep clicking on the "Show Replies" link to access the entire story (all the threaded posts he shares) and all the lovely photographs of typewriters. Enjoy! And congratulations on not buying one. It is good sometimes not to buy one. Be proud.

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These are gorgeous! I learnt to practice touch type on a Remington!

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I cut my teeth on a little Smith-Corona, grew up on IBM selectric and went through high school business program on an old Olivetti upright.

I so hear you about “feeling the machine”. I have fingers of steel from that ol’ Ollie…these fragile laptops get a bit of abuse from me.

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Where do you keep all of your typewriters? It's sounds to me like you have quite the collection.

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A bunch of them are in my backyard shed, a dozen of the smaller portables are perched on the shelf above my rolltop desk, and another ten or so are lined up in their cases next to the desk.

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